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Chris Cuomo’s Candid Take on the DNC and Modern Politics
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Chris Cuomo’s Candid Take on the DNC and Modern Politics

In a development that has stirred the political waters, Chris Cuomo, once a stalwart figure on CNN and traditionally aligned with the Democratic ethos, has launched a piercing critique against the Democratic National Committee (DNC). This critique, delivered live from the DNC itself, has ignited conversations on the essence of contemporary politics, particularly focusing on the pervasive influence of corporate finance within the political arena.

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RFK Jr. Suspends Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump For President
Grant Burdette Grant Burdette

RFK Jr. Suspends Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump For President

During a highly anticipated news conference, Robert Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed former president Donald Trump.

Kennedy, who ran his presidential race as an independent, said he is withdrawing his name from the ballot in 10 battleground states.

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Why Deflation Deserves a Chance
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Why Deflation Deserves a Chance

Technology is the ultimate deflation machine, constantly revolutionizing our lives by giving us more for less. Yet instead of embracing this progress, misguided policymakers attempt economic surgery with rusty tools, amputating our ability to innovate and prosper.

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Deflation Vs Inflation: A Tale Of Two Economies
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Deflation Vs Inflation: A Tale Of Two Economies

Technology is incredibly deflationary. We should be getting more for less, year after year. In many sectors, we do — just look at how much computing power you can fit in your pocket today. But flip the coin, and you’ll see a different story.

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The Social Media Circus — Our Digital Addiction
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

The Social Media Circus — Our Digital Addiction

We’re all performers in the greatest show on Earth, and we don’t even realize it. Every day, billions of us willingly step into the digital Big Top of social media, juggling likes, comments, and shares in a dazzling display of human interaction.

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Free Speech Is Not Free
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Free Speech Is Not Free

Imagine being arrested for your Facebook post. It sounds like something out of Black Mirror, but unfortunately it is not. This actually happened in the United Kingdom. I did not think it was real, but a quick google search seems to prove it is.

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Why Outsourcing Your Intuition To A Machine Ain’t It
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Why Outsourcing Your Intuition To A Machine Ain’t It

People are becoming increasingly reliant on technology to inform their decisions. However, this trend raises an important question: are we losing touch with one of the most valuable assets we have as humans — our intuition?

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Unfiltered Truth & The Futility of Censorship
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Unfiltered Truth & The Futility of Censorship

Censorship has long been a tool of those in power, used to suppress dissent and control narratives. In today’s digital age this tactic is not only ineffective but also counterproductive. The rise of social media has given a voice to anyone with an internet connection, allowing people to hear multiple perspectives on any given issue. While this has created a lot of noise, it has also expanded the marketplace of ideas. Just because some ideas are silly, bad, or outright wrong does not mean we should censor them. As Elon Musk humorously pointed out, parody is a protected form of expression under the First Amendment, and attempting to censor it only serves to undermine the principles of free speech.

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The Dark Side of KYC: Harming Privacy and Undermining Common Sense
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

The Dark Side of KYC: Harming Privacy and Undermining Common Sense

Common sense implies that private citizens should enjoy the cloak of privacy while the state’s every move should be laid bare for all to see, given that they are, after all, public servants. However, Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations present a disturbing reversal of power dynamics.

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