Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress, Gaza Protesters Rage in Nation’s Capital

On Wednesday, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress for the first time since war broke out in the Middle East. 

The conflict began on October 7th after a terrorist group, Hamas, carried out brutal attacks on Israeli civilians attending a concert.

Since then, the Israeli government has mobilized its IDF (Israel Defense Forces) to target and kill Hamas leaders. Many Americans and Israeli’s are still held hostage in Hamas captivity.

Netanyahu pledged to American lawmakers on Wednesday that Israel would achieve “total victory” and attacked American opponents of the war as “idiots”.

“America and Israel must stand together. When we stand together something really simple happens: We win, they lose,” said Netanyahu.

A group of progressive leaders on Capitol Hill are vehemently opposed to the war in Gaza, arguing that Netanyahu’s cause is resulting in the genocide of Palestinian civilians.

Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who is a Palestinian member of congress, held up a sign during Netanyahu’s speech that said “War Criminal” on one side and “Guilty of Genocide” on the other.

The Biden Administration is pushing for a ceasefire deal in Gaza, but Hamas and Israel have not fully embraced the administration’s plan.

Vice President Harris, now the presumptive nominee for the Democrat party, snubbed the Israel Prime Minister’s speech on Wednesday to attend a HBCU sorority event.

As Netanyahu spoke to Congress, pro-Palestinian protestors raged in our nation’s capital.

United States flags were burned as thousands of Palestinian supports descended on Washington D.C.

Protestors held up an effigy of Benjamin Netanyahu being hung and vandalized our country’s greatest monuments.

Outside of Union Station, Christopher Columbus’s fountain and the Liberty Bell were spray-painted with messages saying, “All Zionists are Bastards”, “Free Gaza”, and “Free Palestine”.

American flags were taken down and burned at Union Station. Protestors then replaced the American flags with Palestinian flags.

Donald Trump issued a statement on these protests, floating the idea that anyone who burns an American flag should have a minimum one-year jail sentence.

So far, 23 pro-Palestinian protesters have been arrested.


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