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Stand Up for America — Embracing Freedom in a Digital Age
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Stand Up for America — Embracing Freedom in a Digital Age

In an era where technology and politics intertwine with unprecedented complexity, it is imperative to scrutinize the actions of those in power. The rise of digital tools has given corrupt officials unprecedented control, enabling them to monitor, manipulate, and maintain their grip on power through deceitful and often violent means. This modern panopticon is not only a violation of our rights but a direct attack on the principles that form the bedrock of our nation.

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Harnessing Technology to Revolutionize Democracy
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Harnessing Technology to Revolutionize Democracy

Modern day propaganda wants you to believe that technology and democracy don’t mix. What the propaganda fails to mention is that humanity is presented with unprecedented opportunities to enhance the mechanisms of democracy with the same tools that are increasing our productivity at exponential rates.

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The Elite Left Runs on False Logic
The Common Sense Editorial Board The Common Sense Editorial Board

The Elite Left Runs on False Logic

Things have gotten so out of control to where many on the left, particularly in its hysterical, elite flank, will accuse people whose only offense is mere disagreement with Democratic messaging of somehow being “pro Putin” – an accusation in essence of treason, made so often in liberal media today, that this grave charge hardly means anything anymore.

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Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump
Conor Chepenik Conor Chepenik

Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump

This year's election is significant for me as it marks the first time I will cast a vote for President of The United States. I graduated high school in 2016 and college in 2020. Now, in 2024, I'll be exercising my right to vote in a system designed for the people, by the people. Previously, I refrained from voting because I didn't view either side as less evil. Politics is often characterized by partisan hostility, with both sides engaging in relentless attacks on their opponents. This adversarial approach to politics left me feeling disillusioned, as if the choices presented to voters were merely variations of the same flawed system.

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Democracy Takes a Beating in New York
The Common Sense Editorial Board The Common Sense Editorial Board

Democracy Takes a Beating in New York

The notion of a leading candidate for president in America being criminally convicted in an election year was the stuff of political thriller novels and television series. That it has actually happened is unprecedented. That the American electorate seemingly doesn’t care is breathtaking.

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Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for misleading public on COVID vaccine
Grant Burdette Grant Burdette

Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer for misleading public on COVID vaccine

On Monday morning, June 17 th , Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach issued a press release stating that his office was suing the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

Kobach argues in his lawsuit that Pfizer mislead the public, saying that their vaccine was ‘safe and effective’ despite having knowledge that their vaccine was linked to serious adverse events like myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and death.

Kobach alleges that Pfizer concealed this ‘critical safety information’ from the public.

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